Two Years Ago This was Cool
This photo was taken en route to Italy--during my surprise visit to New York City, which involved hysteric crying, blisters from dragging around a suitcase I can fit in, and a $250 hotel room on 42nd St.
I found a magazine with a map of the city to serve as my guide for the day in the hotel room with the Tempurpedic Mattress (which I have to have one day). Score. Free map. I didn't read the magazine. A year and a half later I was working for the D.C. version. Four months post-firing I realized they were one in the same.
When you flashback through life, if your lucky (and you keep old maps), you discover the previews of your future. Which is oxymoronic, but I feel like I just made an important life discovery. Bada-Bing!
Two years ago I took that photo because thought the sign was really cool. Even though I have lived in New York only three and a half months most days that I don't even notice that my subway stop sign is a beautiful mosaic.
Well, shoot, the whole point of posting that picture was to make fun of my tourist-self for taking an ugly picture of something insignificant and silly, but I guess it turns out that those signs aren't insignificant if someone thinks they are pretty enough to photograph. (Such a work of art that snap shot is. Speaks to you, no?) Heck, balancing the subway's rodent problem with mosaic signs was genius.
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